The book with the funny title “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World” by Gary Vaynerchuk is great for social media beginners; I recommend it often to my clients. I purchased the book back in 2013, as I was looking for a social media “beginners” book to recommend to my clients. It is an easy read that provides a better insight into social media and its importance. The book is native and engaging, making it easier for beginners to understand what social media is about and how to tell your story and be heard.
Still not sure if you should order? (
Here is a short pro and con list about the book.
- Engaging, easy read
- Illustrates social media marketing tips in a fun way
- Great examples and case studies
- Includes do’s and don’ts
- Provides a better understanding of social media networks
- Nothing new for experienced social media users
- Directed towards businesses selling products rather than services
- Includes repetitive content